Roger Nusbaum's article on Seeking Alpha discusses the industries to likely profit from the increasing foreclosure rate. One industry could be the storage business. Some homeowners who have a lot of personal items may downsize to a smaller apartment or go to live with relatives.
What are all these people going to do with their belongings? Well, Nusbaum suggests they will need storgae facilities. So one of the affected markets may be the storage industry.
What other types of industries will profit from increased foreclosures? In general I would suggest that all types of companies that can help new homeowners bring the foreclosures back into habitation. Not to say that all foreclosures are run-down, but here is a list of some common industries that should see an uptick of business:
- contractors including remodeling companies
- plumbers
- electricians
- disaster recovery contractors
- landscape architects
- painters
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